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3 REASONS INVESTING IN WALL STREET CAN BE STUPID There are rules to everything.  There are rules to games, to having a good marriage and likewise, there are rules to investing.  In light of these rules, the madness I see going on in America is alarming.  Let me point out 3 things I see as foolish to the point of being stupid. Most Investing Is Buying High What are the rules of investing?  They are…


I want to address paying off credit card debt. Obviously, credit card debt can be a terrible thing to have. A lot of people get trapped in it. Maybe they get behind on their bills. Then they  use theirs credit cards to get by and find that the second situation is worse than the first. I have a lot of people ask me, ”David, I’m about to get some money (a big bonus or a…


In this climate where every other advertisement or banner ad on your Facebook page comes from the financial planning industry, now is a good time to revisit how the traditional financial planning model is irreparably broken.🛑 So many clients’ of the traditional financial management firms of the world were ecstatic about their investment returns as late as February,  but now they are singing the blues 😪 — they should be quite disillusioned.  It’s not difficult…

CHECKLIST FOR THE NEW NORMAL How We Can Pivot With Control and Peace Of Mind

Do you have a ✅CHECKLIST BACK TO NORMAL? Our lives are not going to be the same for a while but we can begin our path back to NORMAL….well, at least a new normal. Here is a CHECKLIST I have put together for the clients and people who follow me. Remember, if you fail to plan you plan to fail. So get out this checklist, roll up your sleeves and get to work. The sooner…

4 Ways To Recover From The Covid Crash

It was not hardly three months ago that everyone was glowing and bragging about how well their investment business was going — whether it was their investments via their 401K, their IRAs, their E-trade account or even their real estate investing.  It seemed that all you had to do was throw a dart and you would hit a winner.  “Another record breaking day for the Dow Jones today,” was heard not just once a month…


“Money is not everything!” We hear this all the time. It is supposed to be common knowledge, a dogma that everyone nods their heads to and says, “Mm-hmm, yep. That’s true.” I want to say that’s NONSENSE. I want to challenge this dogma. So, be shocked, but listen up. What you are about to read is me TELLING THE TRUTH that you already know to be true. First of all, let me clear the air on…

THE BIG LIE: The Banks Bamboozled Us

WARNING: What you are about to read will trouble and may even piss you off. You have been lied to by the banks. Duped. Bamboozled. They have created the mortgage and the American dream and the biggest, most successful campaign to get American’s largest percentage of income every month. Americans are like the poor souls in the movie The Matrix – fed a dream that is an illusion while having their energy & resources harvested…

PART3: FINANCIAL LITERACY – Deeply Bothered & On a Mission

The purpose of this BLOG is to  combine the synchronized experiences and failures and truths I have learned from in the over four decades I have been on this planet. I was always a bit obsessed — most of my non-school hours in high school were spent in rigorous fitness training and weight lifting in order to MAXIMIZE MY POTENTIAL as a football player. I remember bear-crawl dragging (being on all fours – think a…

PART 2: FINANCIAL LITERACY – Pissed Off and Passionate at the Same Time?

I am on a mission — to raise the financial IQ of America’s middle class. How did that become my mission? One simple word — PAIN (watching the pain caused by financial illiteracy play out in the lives, marriages, businesses, and handicapped retirements of people I care about and even in my own past). Picking up where we left off, I want to continue to describe how I improved my way of thinking and how…

PART 1: FINANCIAL LITERACY – Pissed Off and Passionate at the Same Time?

I am on a mission — to raise the financial net worth of America’s middle class. How did that become my mission? One simple word — PAIN (my own and watching the pain of financial deficits play out in the lives, marriages, businesses, and retarded retirements of people I care about). Where do I start? So, my financial mindset was shaped by being raised in a home in a family in the country, in a…